Zesty Bruschetta

Maybe it’s just the season, but I’ve been adding lemon and lemon zest to lots of my dishes. Having citrus balsami vinegar in the pantry made the decision to add lemon zest to this appetizer an easy choice. The result is a fresher tasting bruschetta than usual.

Zesty Bruschetta

  • baguette sliced
  • roma tomatoes sliced
  • mozzarella
  • fresh basil sliced
  • citrus balsamic vinegar
  • lemon zest
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 375. Place the baguette slices on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 5 minutes. Flip the slices and place a slice of mozzarella on each of the baguette discs. Let the edges of the bread brown just a bit. Take out of the oven.
  2. Place a slice of tomato on each of the bread slices. Sprinkle with the basil and lemon zest. Drizzle with the citrus balsamic vinegar.