Turkey Chili

Turkey Chili

Sometimes simplicity is the key. It doesn’t always have to be grass fed bison fillets on organic chanterelle risotto. Sometimes a nice warm bowl of spicy turkey chili is just what you need to get warm after spending it in the frigid fog of a short and dark December day.

Turkey Chili

Sure some people aren’t impressed with turkey chili, but you know what? Those people wouldn’t turn down a bowl of this delicious creation if it was offered to them. Not enjoying homemade turkey chili would be like saying you don’t enjoy hanging out with your friend at IKEA. Sure she may take a little too long looking at bookshelves, and they all look the same to you, but the truth is you wouldn’t choose to be anywhere else at that moment. Just like you wouldn’t choose to be eating anything else while you’re shoveling this chili into your mouth. Now get off your high horse and make this turkey chili, or some horse chili now that you won’t be riding it.

beans and spices

Turkey Chili

  • 1 pound Ground Turkey
  • 1 yellow Onion diced
  • 2 cloves of Garlic minced
  • 1 clove Black Garlic minced
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil 
  • 2 Jalapeños diced
  • 2 tablespoons Paprika
  • 1 tablespoon Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 tablespoon Curry Powder
  • 1 tablespoon Cumin
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 cup +plus the rest of the package Chicken Stock
  • 1 can of diced Tomatoes drained
  • 1 cup Navy Beans
  • 3 cups Water
    • Optional:
    • Sour Cream
    • Chives minced
  1. Soak the Navy Beans in 2 cups of chicken stock overnight. 
  2. Saute the onion, and garlic in a dutch oven with the olive oil. Add the Jalapeños to the onions and garlic and continue cooking until slightly browned. 
  3. Add all the spices. Continue cooking and stirring until the aroma of the spices waft into every corner of your place of residence. 
  4. Stir in the ground turkey. As you’re stirring in the turkey be sure to sort of chop it up to avoid clumping of the meat. 
  5. Rinse the beans. Add the beans to the pot, along with a cup of chicken stock, the diced tomatoes and 3 cups of water
  6. Cover and simmer for a few hours, stirring occasionally. Take a trip to IKEA or something while the chili cooks, just enjoy your day you deserve it. 
rainbow pepper
Turkey Chili

And if you’re wondering who captured the flavor of this chili, it’s Katy Weaver!

Turkey Chili

Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy

Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy
Before we get into this week’s post I’d like to mention Sugpiaq Seafoods. They are a family seafood company that is centered in Portland. They sustainably catch all their seafood in Alaska. If you’re in Portland on Nov. 20th you should definitely check out their king crab dinner. They’re featuring sauces made by a local chef and a hand selected wine pairing. Can’t make it to the dinner? No problem – you can order your king crab directly from their website
Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy
Now for a recipe completely unrelated to seafood. As we all know Thanksgiving is coming up at the end of the month, unless you’re Canadian and you celebrated your “Thanksgiving” back in October for some reason. So this month we’re featuring Thanksgiving themed food! It’s basically all the fun of Thanksgiving, without having to deal with your family. And the nice thing about this recipe is, it can be adapted to turn those leftovers into Thanksgiving 2: Leftovers of Vengeance. 
Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy
stuffing produce
stuffing mix
turkey breasts
stuffing fritters

Turkey Cakes

  • 2 Turkey Breasts baked
  • 3 oz. Ground Pork cooked
  • 5 Stalks of Celery chopped
  • 1 Medium Yellow Onion diced
  • 4 cups Bread Cubes (Stuffing Mix)
  • 1 cup Cornbread crumbled (You can use this recipe if you’d like)
  • 2 small sprigs of Parsley minced
  • 1/2 package (2 teaspoons worth) Stuffing Seasoning Mix (if your bread didn’t come with one of these just use some Sage and Thyme to season the mix)
  • 2 cups Chicken Stock
  • 1 Egg whisked
  • Oil for frying (I use canola oil)
  1. Bake the turkey breasts, however you like. Don’t worry if you do it wrong, you’ll only lose everything you’ve ever loved in life. SAVE THE GREASE!
  2. Cook the pork with some garlic salt, pepper, and paprika. Cook until browned. SAVE THE GREASE!! (Will be used for the gravy later.)
  3. In a separate pan heat enough oil to pan fry the fritters.
  4.  Grab the biggest bowl you have, no not that one, the other one. Mix everything together with your hands. Make sure all the bread has gotten wet and everything else is well mixed.
  5. Form small 2 inch wide patties. Place in the hot oil. Cook until golden brown. Place on wire rack with a paper towel underneath to drain excess oil.
  6. Top with cranberry sauce. 

Cranberry Sauce

  • 1 pack of Fresh Cranberries
  • 3/4 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Water
  1. Throw everything in a pot and cook over high heat until the berries break down. Be sure to stir the mixture to avoid burning. This should take about 10 minutes or so.
  2. Take off heat and chill. Use to top the turkey cakes or anything really. 

Potato Spätzle and Gravy

  • 1 Russet Potato peeled, diced, boiled, and mashed
  • 1 3/4 cup Flour
  • 1/3 cup Milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Leftover “drippins” from the turkey and pork
  • 1 tablespoon Butter
  • 1/3 cup Flour
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1/2 cup Water
  1. After you’ve prepared the potato mix all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Place in refrigerator for about 20 minutes.
  2. Grab a colander with large holes and a rubber spatula. Portion out about 1/3 of the dough and push it through the colander with the spatula into boiling salt water. Once the spätzle floats, that means it’s done.
  3. In a skillet heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat and sautee the spätzle until golden brown. 
  4. To make the gravy, brown the drippins’ and butter. Add the flour and brown that as well. Mix in the milk and water. 
  5. Acquire a taste for cholesterol medication, because you’ll need it.
Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy
Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy
Enjoy these Thanksgiving themed recipes and photos! All photos taken by Katy Weaver! Check out her website!
Turkey Cakes with Potato Spätzle and Gravy