Lemon Bacon Shrimp Pasta with Chard

What to make for dinner? We’ve all found ourselves asking ourselves this question while only having the kitchen only be filled with leftover ingredients of meals past. That’s exactly what happened with this dish. It was born out of hunger and the impatience of waiting for a pie to finish baking. Why, yes the pie is indeed going to be the next post. 

Everyone has that one food they can not stand, for me it’s brussels sprouts, I know it’s a bit cliché, but I don’t even like them enough to find a recipe that makes them taste good enough to choke them down. A certain photographer’s least favorite food, as weird as it sounds, is bacon, since we basically only had bacon, shrimp, and chard in the fridge, I tried concocting a dish that would hopefully appeal to the both of us.  Not to spoil the end result, but a dual appealing dish was not the result. 
I’ve thought about it and I’m not going to post the actual recipe on here, because it was sort of a throw a bunch of stuff in a pan and see how it turns out kind of dish. I will tell you what’s actually in it, because I’m that nice. Even with just the listed ingredients you should be able to recreate it or creative something simliar of your own.

Lemon Bacon Shrimp Pasta with Chard

  • Shrimp (16/20 size)
  • Jowl bacon cut into tiny strips
  • Lemon juice and zest
  • Onion chopped
  • Garlic minced
  • White wine
  • Angel hair pasta
  • Chard chopped
  • Basil out of jar (I know I’m ashamed of me too, but it was the only basil we had in the kitchen)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Goat cheese
Serves 4 small portions
Sometimes not using a recipe can be liberating, being able to free yourself from the shackles of Betty Crocker. Take this post as a challenge for the inner culinary explorer within you. See if you can take the inspiration and make it your own with what you have and hopefully make a dish that everyone will enjoy!

Photos by a non-bacon loving Katy Weaver