Stacked French Toast

Breakfast for dinner is always the right choice. When I noticed I had half of a day old baguette sitting on my counter, I decided to make some French toast with French bread. I was feeling fancy so I decided to add some berry syrup and cream cheese. The result was a classier than usual breakfast dish.

Stacked French Toast

  • 1 day old baguette
  • 1/2 cup half & half
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • berry syrup
  • cream cheese
  1. Mix the half & half, eggs, vanilla, brown sugar, cinnamon and the salt in a pie pan. Slice the into slices that are a couple centimeters in width. Dip and flip the slices in the batter. Place into a skillet, which should be set at medium high. Let each side get golden brown.
  2. Stack 4 slices on a plate. Between each slice smear cream cheese and drizzle some berry syrup. Top with berries, cream cheese, berry syrup, and powdered sugar. 
A simple dish made fancy by using half & half instead of milk, adding cream cheese and berry syrup, and stacking the tiny discs of bready goodness.

Simple Sorbet

I wish I could take credit for this, but I can’t. The amazing and wonderful Katy Weaver came up with the recipe and she also took the pictures.

To make this simple fruity desert get out your blender or go out and rent one (I don’t know what your blender situation is so I can only guess). Throw the following into the blender:

  • 1 part plain yogurt or your favorite yogurt
  • 2 parts mixed frozen fruit of your choosing
  • 0.5 parts frozen orange juice concentrate

Flip on the blender and prepare for some scary noises as it blends. You might need to stir it around a couple times and flip it on and off before it becomes fully blended. Then scoop into serving bowls and stick in the freezer until it becomes frozen.

After it’s frozen top with some honey or your favorited whipped cream topping. The finished sorbet is a bit tart, so if you like tart deserts you could just leave off the honey. Enjoy!