Fig Dessert Pizza and Maple Coffee

fig dessert pizza
Here at Cooking with B.S. Corp. we like to pride ourselves on knowing what recipes our followers want. You’ve spoken up and we’ve listened to your pleas for more fig recipes. I would also like to point out this is the No. 1 fig based blog outside of the Middle East and would like to use this title to help solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but first coffee.
maple whipped cream coffee
Autumn came ushering in this year like a car swerving off the highway due to the first autumn rains. Instead of going outside and enjoying the crisp fall air, why not stay in drinking a hot cup of coffee with some maple whipped cream to top it off? And while you’re enjoying your ideal fall drink, read through some of your favorite Cooking with B.S. posts and click on an ad or three. 
maple coffee

I fully endorse coffee with dessert and from what I’ve seen it’s only my grandparents and their friends that partake in this post-dinner ritual. I wish more people my age would join in, but wishful thinking never solved anything except turning Pinocchio into a real boy.

Kona coffee
maple whipped cream

Maple Whipped Cream Coffee

  • 1/2 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1 tablespoon Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  1. Add everything to a mixing bowl and whisk until it’s all whippy. 
  2. Add the delicious whipped cream to a cup of coffee.
  3. Petition Starbucks to buy this recipe from me to replace the Pumpkin Spiced Latte as “The Fall Coffee Drink”.
pizza dough

Fig and Goat Cheese Dessert Pizza

  • 2 Figs quartered
  • 3 oz. Goat Cheese crumbled
  • 1 tablespoon Honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • Pizza dough
  1. Once again I used America’s Test Kitchen‘s pizza dough recipe for this one. You can buy their new book, Cooking School Cookbook here!
  2. Preheat the oven to 475°
  3. Drizzle the honey over the stretched out pizza dough. Crumble on the goat cheese. Add the figs and sprinkle the cinnamon over the pizza.
  4. Bake on a pizza baking stone for about 10 minutes or until the edges are crispy.
  5. NOTE: the figs will make this pizza a little juicy so let the sugars cool and solidify before cutting into the dessert pizza.
dessert pizza

Things can change at a moment’s notice; the weather, the season, the ripeness of figs, but instead of worrying about what’s coming next, take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy something sweet and the post-dinner buzz of the world’s favorite bean.  Enjoy!

All photos by THE Katy Weaver

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This whipped cream looks like a grumpy old man.

maple whipped cream coffee