Breakfast Sushi

Breakfast Sushi
I’m pretty sure this post dishonors an entire country’s culinary culture, but you know what? This breakfast sushi was delicious, so try making it yourself before you start leaving angry comments about how culturally insensitive this is (I’m looking at you tumblr). If reappropriating cultures and making them your own isn’t why America fought in the Spanish-American War then I don’t know what’s what anymore. 
Breakfast Sushi
This nigiri style breakfast sushi was inspired by the fact that it seemed like a good idea. And like most initial ideas, it works. Even though it looks complicated, the simplistic approach is what makes it successful. Over-thinking ruins most things like dishes, relationships, and jokes about over thinking because you can’t think of some third item to list.
Breakfast Sushi
Sushi Rice

Sushi Rice

To be honest I used Alton Brown’s recipe for sushi rice. It’s a good one, which can be found here.

Avocado Hollandaise Sauce
Gettin' Saucy

Avocado Hollandaise Sauce

Once again I’m going to send you elsewhere to find this recipe, but it’s my own recipe so I don’t feel bad about doing it. Anyway the recipe can be found here.

Maple Soy Sauce

  • 1/3 part Soy Sauce
  • 2/3 part Maple Syrup
  • Dash of Fish Sauce
  1. In a bowl whisk everything together. The reason I’m using ratios is so you can create as much or as little as you need.
Jowl Bacon

Breakfast Sushi

  1. After your rice has cooled rinse your hands with cold water and form the rice balls with your hands. Squeeze to ensure the rice stays together. Make small egg-like shapes and plate.
  2. Place a dollop of the avocado hollandaise sauce on the rice to ensure the breakfast meats stay in place. 
  3. As for meats I used thick cut jowl bacon, breakfast sausage, and eggs. You can choose whatever you think would be best on them (I’m looking at you vegetarians and your ridiculous and futile attempt to create fake meat).
  4. After placing the meats on the ball of rice, drizzle the sauces over the top and sprinkle some sesame seeds on them as well.

Breakfast Sushi
Breakfast food is the best food, and the joy of food is that you can be fun with it, so get out there and make a breakfast version of your favorite food! As always these mind-blowing photos are by Katy Weaver. Join us next week when we reheat some Eggos.

Artichokes in Avocado Hollandaise Sauce

People always say that food carries an emotional and personal connection to to it. I tend to avoid talking about those kind of things on this blog, because I try to mainly focus on the food. Now this recipe doesn’t have any personal or emotional for me, I mean it’s just artichokes and sauce, but I feel like I’ve created a connection with this dish. Let’s be honest you’re not reading this post for the personal story behind it, you probably just found this recipe on Google or someone repined it on Pinterest and you just want to look at the pictures, or you’ll just scroll down to the recipe without reading this text block.

Since this recipe is pretty short I’m going to continue with my narrative. Sometimes people fall out of your life and they don’t come back, the universe can be cruel like that, and there’s nothing you could have done to change the outcome. Other times those people come back into your life and it’s all the time spent apart from each other that make you realize how important they were to you and how important they still are to you. This simple little dish of artichokes and hollandaise sauce will always remind me of that feeling of someone great reentering your life, even if it’s in some small way.

Artichokes in Avocado Hollandaise Sauce

  • 4 artichokes
  • 6 cups water
  • 1.5 tablespoons of minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Pinch of salt
  • Avocado Hollandaise Sauce from this post.
  • Hot sauce of your choice
  1. Heat the water in a large pan on high until it boils, then add the garlic, olive oil, and the salt.
  2. Cut the stems off the artichokes to a reasonable size. Also cut the tops off the artichokes. Feel free to cut the tips of the pedals off, but it’s not required.
  3. Place the artichokes in the boiling water, cover the pot and let them cook for about 35 or until the stems are soft.
  4. Serve with the hollandaise sauce. I added a drop of hot sauce to my dish to give it some color and some extra kick.

This makes for a perfect side dish or as an appetizer. I suggest getting creative with the platting. Enjoy!

All these artsy artichoke photos by: Katy Weaver Photography

Breakfast Chorizo Tacos

For too long breakfast burritos have hogged the spotlight in Mexican inspired breakfast food, but I say it’s time to move on to something better than bland beans, cheese, and eggs stuffed in an old tortilla. The breakfast taco should get more attention, its size doesn’t leave you bloated, like a burrito, but it’s still enough to give you energy to start your day.

Also, good news this blog once again features high quality food photographs!

Breakfast Chorizo Tacos

  • 10 oz. Chorizo
  • 6 eggs
  • 12 corn tortillas
  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 3 oz. goat cheese
  • 1 cup spinach
  1. Start by cooking the rice, because it’s going to take the longest.
  2. Scramble the eggs and set aside. I put mine in the microwave to keep them warm.
  3. Heat the tortillas in a pan sprayed with a little Pam. The oil will help them brown a little. Heat each side for about a minute. While those heat up start cooking the chorizo over medium heat. Stirring occasionally.
  4. Once the chorizo is done cooking, place the rice, chorizo, eggs, and spinach in a line on a tortilla. Crumble goat cheese on top and drizzle the hollandaise sause over the top.

Avocado Lime Hollandaise Sauce

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 3 oz. butter
  • 4-6 oz. purred avocado
  • dash of cayenne pepper
  • a pinch of lime zest
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Place a mixing bowl over a sauce pan with water in the pan over medium heat.
  2. Mix the yolks, water, and lime juice into the bowl. Whisk until thick and pale.
  3. Heat the mixture over the pan until they become frothy, be sure not to over cook the yolks by removing the bowl from the heat occasionally. 
  4. When the bottom of the bowl becomes visible between strokes of the whisk add the butter and the avocado. Whisk until the butter and avocado be become smooth. Over whisking is encouraged.
  5. Whisk in the zest, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper.
The spiciness of the chorizo works with the creaminess of the hollandaise sauce and goat cheese, while the rice not only adds an extra texture element to these tacos, but also turns them into a main dish. 
There’s a bonus post coming up this week! Featuring artichokes and the avocado hollandaise sauce.
All these fantastic photos by Katy Weaver Photography

Black & White and Green & Red (and Yellow)

I know it’s been awhile since my last post, but I’m back! So, the main reason I’m posting this dish is that it looks neat, it’s all colorful and fun looking. This is a really easy dish to make, it’s not overly complicated and you can impresse all your friends and trick them into thinking you can actually cook by making a fancy looking dish, when in reality it’s just a breakfast dish with some fancy tweaks.

The beans I used on the toast are actually dehydrated black bean, and to make them into a paste or a dip just add hot water. 4 parts dried beans to 3 parts water. I got mine from an Oregon company called Garden Valley Corporation here is a link if you’d like to peruse their dried legumes.

Spicy Fried Eggs with Avocado and Black Beans on Toast

  • 2 slices of toasted sourdough
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • 1/2 avocado sliced
  • hot sauce
  1. I recommend making your beans before anything else. 
  2. Toast the bread.
  3. Fry the eggs to your liking, salt and pepper to taste. I prefer to having the yolk just a little runny that way I can mop it with the ends of the toast. 
  4. Spread the beans on the toast, then the eggs, sliced avocado, and top it off with a drizzling of hot sauce of your choice, I used Sriracha, because it’s delicious.
This is a very simple dish to make, it looks fancy, and it’s packed with protein. Even though I made it for dinner, it’s a perfect brunch dish. Next post is going to be fried quinoa!

Fish Tacos

Put down that taco right now! That taco doesn’t compair to a fish taco. If you are eating a fish taco, my apologies, carry on. If you’re not eating a taco right now, why not make these fish tacos?

When most people say they don’t like fish tacos it’s, because they’ve never tried fish tacos. I’ll admit that ordering fish tacos from some restaurants might be more of a gamble than ordering the carnes asada, but if you try this recipe at home, I bet that you’ll be hooked on fish tacos.

There’s different ways you can cook your fish, but I chose to grill my fish. Grilling is a quick and flavorful way to cook your fish. I decided to cook snapper and it turned out wonderfully, but if you can’t get ahold of snapper any sort of white fish will work.

Fish Tacos

  • 1 lbs snapper
  • 8 white corn tortillas
  • 1 mango cut into small cubes
  • 1 avocado sliced
  • 1/3 cup chopped red cabbage
  • 1/3 cup diced red onion
  • 1/2 cup sour cream or yogurt
  • a small sprig of cilantro chopped
  • 1 lime juiced
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika

  1. Place the snapper in a pan deep enough to hold the fish and the juice from the lime. Lay out your fish in the pan and pour the lime juice over it. Sprinkle the cayenne pepper, paprika, a dash of salt and pepper over the fish. Oh, did you make sure your fish is deboned? You should probably do that. Let the fish sit for a  moment. 
  2. Since the fish takes almost no time at all to cook, now is a good time to cut up the mango, cabbage, onion, and avocado. 
  3. Now that all the produce is cut up it’s a good time to put the fish on the grill. You should only flip the fish once. Cook each side for about 5 minutes, but your grill might vary, so keep an eye on your fish so it doesn’t burn. Once you’ve flipped your fish place the tortillas on the grill just long enough for the flames to heat them and make them soft.
  4. Once the fish is finished grilling you can start making your tacos. I like to top my fish tacos with hot sauce and cilantro lime sour cream, which you can make by adding some chopped cilantro and some lime zest to sour cream. If you’re watching your weight you can use plain yogurt instead of sour cream. 
Aren’t you glad you finally tried fish tacos? They’re just as delicious as pork or beef tacos, but they’re way better for you. Enjoy!
Photos by Katy Weaver