Fig, Goat Cheese, and Pancetta Flatbread Pizza

kadota figs
That’s right another fig post. Bombarding your food blog followers with fig posts is one of the benefits of having a fig tree in your backyard. Another benefit of having a kadota fig tree is using them on homemade-artisan-flatbread pizza. 
fig goat cheese and pancetta flatbread pizza

Figs, goat cheese, and pancetta. You could probably put these three ingredients in any dish and make the dish taste like a party that everyone’s invited to, except for Jared. He knows why he’s not invited. But adding figs, goat cheese, and pancetta to a pizza just makes the pizza taste like sex on a jetski.

fig and goat cheese pizza
arugula salad
salad with fig vinaigrette

Apple Cider-Fig Vinaigrette

  • 2 large Figs chopped 
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
  1. Heat the oil up in a pan over medium heat saute the figs for a few minutes, 3-5 should do it. 
  2. Stir in the apple cider. Mash up the figs with your wooden spoon or whatever overpriced utensil you bought from West Elm.
  3. Pour into a small mixing bowl and let the dressing cool in the fridge.
  4. Once cooled, toss with the arugula and serve with tomatoes and radishes.
tossing that salad

Pizza Dough 

I used America’s Test Kitchen’s recipe for my pizza dough. I recommend getting this recipe from their new cookbook The America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook which comes out on October 15th. Here’s an Amazon link to it!

goat cheese pizza

Fig, Goat Cheese, and Pancetta Flatbread Artisan Pizza (Fig Sauce)

  • 4 Figs chopped 
  • 1/2 small Red Onion minced 
  • 1 clove Garlic minced
  • 1 teaspoon Italian Seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Pepper freshly ground
  • 1 tablespoon Honey
  1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic. Let the garlic and onion caramelize just a bit. OH GOD! You forgot about them didn’t you? Would you look at that now they’re burnt. Get out another onion and start over, or just let someone else cook.
  2.  Once the onions and garlic are caramelized add everything else, stir, and let the sauce simmer for a good 10 minutes.
  3. Let cool and add to your pizza crust.
  4. Put sliced figs, goat cheese, red onions, and pancetta on your pizza and bake for about 10-15 minutes at 475°

fig, goat cheese and pancetta pizza
Go ahead and have some fun with some end-of-the-season figs. Put them in everything! So much so that you get sick of them just in time to start binging on pumpkin spice flavored autumn products. As you might have assumed these figtastic (did I use this joke last week?) photos were taken by the super talented Katy Weaver.
homemade pizza